Breaking the Cycle of Child Abuse & Keeping Kids Safe
CAPC Programs Prevent Child Abuse by Strengthening Families & Building Healthy Communities in Contra Costa County
Featured Programs
Community Education & Speak Up Be Safe
Promoting the intervention and prevention of child abuse through programs such as Mandated Reporter Training and Speak Up Be Safe
Nurturing Parenting Program & Parent Partners
Free evidence-based parenting classes and parent mentors to help with the child-welfare system and reunification are offered throughout Contra Costa County.
Surviving Parenthood Resource Directory
Comprehensive resource guide for parents and caregivers
Baby Bag Program
Wealth of tips and resources for new parents and caregivers
Our Mission
To promote the safety of children and prevent child abuse and neglect in Contra Costa County by raising community awareness, influencing public policy, educating our community, providing resources and support programs to families.
Help Others Discover CAPC’s Programs and Resources
Have you derived benefit from CAPC’s programs or resources? Help others by spreading the word. Post a review on Great NonProfits or Guidestar. CAPC facilitates brown bag seminars for corporations and organizations to educate their employees on ways to overcome the modern-day challenges of raising children. For more information or to arrange a brown bag seminar, call (925)798-0546.