April is National Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month
April 2, 2024 Uncategorized

Click here to read the newsletter
Community report 2022-2023
January 23, 2024 Uncategorized
Click here to read

Help Families in Need This Holiday Season
December 6, 2023 Uncategorized

Click here to read more
November newsletter 2023
November 6, 2023 Uncategorized

October Newsletter 2023
October 2, 2023 Uncategorized

September 2023 newsletter
September 7, 2023 Uncategorized

Click here to read the newsletter
Newsletter August
August 3, 2023 Uncategorized

Nurturing Parenting classes
July 20, 2023 Uncategorized

Thank you to the Exchange Club of SRV
May 4, 2023 Uncategorized
Thank you to the Exchange Club of SRV for supporting April, Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month at Lunardi’s in Danville. You make a difference!

April 2023 newsletter
April 5, 2023 Uncategorized
Read here the complete newsletter

March newsletter
March 17, 2023 Uncategorized
Read more here

Nurturing Parenting classes’ schedule
January 12, 2023 Uncategorized

November 2022 newsletter
November 2, 2022 Uncategorized

Youth Partner Program video
October 12, 2022 Uncategorized

October newsletter
October 5, 2022 Uncategorized

June 2022 newsletter: Happy Pride Month
June 9, 2022 Uncategorized

May 2022 newsletter #2
May 26, 2022 Uncategorized
Dear Friends of CAPC |
There cannot be a more helpless feeling than that of a parent learning that their child has been senselessly taken from them in a school shooting. The murders of 21 people at Robb Elementary leave us helplessly struggling for solutions. These are the adverse childhood experiences that plague and sometimes devastate families and communities [….] |

May newsletter
May 5, 2022 Uncategorized

Videos luncheon
April 15, 2022 Uncategorized
Here comes the Sun Luncheon
Thank you Supervisor Candace Anderson , Lafayette Mayor Teresa Gerringer, Kristin Connelly President , Acalanes Union High School District Board , Meredith Meade and Suzy Pak , Lafayette School District Board members for all the support of CAPC’s Speak Up Be Safe child safety program! Each of you makes a difference to the students in our community ! CAPC is grateful!

April newsletter 2022
April 5, 2022 Uncategorized

March newsletter 2022
March 8, 2022 Uncategorized

Dear Friends of CAPC:
March is National Social Worker Appreciation Month. A Social Worker is a change warrior that evokes ferocity, passion, and empathy in order to create significant positive change in the lives of others. CAPC would like to thank all the unsung heroes in our community who work every day to strengthen families and protect children. Happy Social Worker Appreciation Month to all my fellow social workers! […]
February Newsletter
February 2, 2022 Uncategorized
February is Black History Month: Black History Month, celebrated in February each year, is a time to recognize the central role African Americans have played in U.S. history and to recognize and celebrate their achievements [..]

Community report 2020-2021
December 19, 2021 Uncategorized

October 2021 newsletter
October 27, 2021 Uncategorized
Strengthening Families Using a Racial Equity Lens
Please join the Greater Bay Area CAPC Coalition for this free seminar on addressing racial disparities in the child welfare system.

Requiring kids to mask against COVID-19 is not child abuse
September 9, 2021 Uncategorized

To read the article click here
Fall 2021 newsletter
September 7, 2021 All News

Click here to read
Share the Spirit
December 18, 2020 Uncategorized
In a year filled with unprecedented challenges, CAPC has been supporting at-risk families throughout Contra Costa County. One of our many successes was a dad in CAPC’s Parent Partner Program. He was involved with Contra Costa County’s Children and Family Services (CSF) due to his child’s mother’s mental health, but as the case developed, substance abuse and domestic violence were also issues that needed to be addressed. The child’s mother’s mental illness was so severe that it prohibited her from attending court. But this Dad showed up to every court date and every visit and clearly loved his daughter very much. Sadly, fathers are not looked at with the same lens as mothers are and have been overlooked as a viable option for custody of their children too many times to count. Others gave this father zero chance of reunifying and had no faith in him, but CAPC staff was there to support him. Dad received bad information time and time again that jeopardized his chances of gaining custody of his daughter. CAPC staff corrected what he had heard, mentored and encouraged him along his journey, attending his court hearings and meetings with him and providing other resources.
One day, Dad reached a turning point. After a frank conversation with staff that brought him to tears, he began to work his case plan with purpose. In fact, he made such a drastic change in his life that neither his attorney nor CAPC staff recognized him at his next court appointment because his appearance changed so much in sobriety.
Covid-19 hit at the same time that he was scheduled to begin unsupervised and overnight visits with his daughter. Again, he received misinformation about the visits that scared and discouraged him, compounded by new challenges from shelter-in-place restrictions. CAPC staff was there to clarify what he needed to do for his daughter and provide other support and resources. CAPC’s Sue Fleischner Special Needs Fund paid a hotel room for the dad to have overnight visits in and gave him a gift card for food and diapers purchased with a grant from Share the Spirit. CAPC also provided a playpen for the baby to sleep in while visiting her Dad.
Dad graduated his program and despite interference from the child’s grandmother and little faith from many, he got a job, an apartment and childcare, and now his young daughter is living with him full time. If not for CAPC’s intervention and Share the Spirit’s support, Dad and his daughter would not be together today.
Educate, inspire, and support. Monthly Speaker Series
October 28, 2020 Uncategorized

September 2020 Newsletter
September 21, 2020 Uncategorized
September 2020 newsletter Click for more information:
#Follow #Followus #Followme #CAPC #Childabuseprevention #Kids

CAPC is featured in the Summer 2020 issue of the Resource Families Newsletter.
July 2, 2020 Uncategorized

Thank you from ACAPC!
June 16, 2020 Uncategorized
Dear Supporters:
Just a quick note to say how much we appreciate your support of the Child Abuse Prevention Council and our Caps for CAPC campaign! With your help, we were able to raise $9,850 that will directly support CAPC in the prevention of child abuse in our community. This fundraiser blew our expectations out of the water and we are so grateful to all of you! CAPC will be putting these funds to very good use by continuing to provide support, education and basic needs to families and children at risk for abuse during this especially stressful time. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts and we hope you enjoy showing off your stylish rainbow caps on all of your summer adventures! Please contact Natalie Miles ([email protected]) with any questions.
2020 ACAPC Members
Megan Buckley
Amanda Chipman
Kristen Cobo
Lauren Cosso
Kristen Cunnane
Molly Hanahan
Yeh-Won Hunt
Rhoda Larner
Natalie Miles
Blaire Morse
Lauren Pierce
Dina Ricksen
Moira Roberts
Arran Schulz
Heather Swedeen
Alexis Thompson
Kelly Tuggle
Melanie Walterspiel
ACAPC Newsletter
June 1, 2020 ACAPC, All News, Newsletter, Press Release
Caps for CAPC & summer fundraising. Click for more information: https://conta.cc/2Mmsz9n

Child Abuse Reports Plummeted During Pandemic, And That’s Not A Good Thing
May 29, 2020 Uncategorized
NBC Bay Area’s Investigative Unit compiled data from the region’s four largest counties showing calls to child abuse hotlines have dropped dramatically since mid-March.
Brannin Dorsey remembers the day when one of her first grade students showed up to class with a swollen face and marks on his neck.
“It was the worst teaching day of my life,” Dorsey said. “He told me he was hit at home.”
As a teacher, Dorsey is a mandated reporter, meaning she is required by law to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to authorities. But since shelter at home orders caused classrooms to close, Dorsey feels that responsibility has become hard to fulfill for many teachers.
“It’s really difficult to know that part of our job is to help kids,” she said. “And that’s taken away from us because of this crisis.”
She’s not alone.
NBC Bay Area’s Investigative Unit compiled data from the region’s four largest counties showing calls to child abuse hotlines have dropped dramatically since mid-March.
During April, the first full month of the stay at home order, Contra Costa and San Francisco saw a nearly 50% drop in their number of child abuse calls when compared to the same month last year. Santa Clara County saw a 42% increase and Alameda experienced a shorter 27% drop.
That average is reflected across the state, according to data from the California Department of Social Services. Collectively, it shows there’s been a 45% drop in child abuse hotline calls statewide.
Kathy Marsh, the director of Children and Family Services for Contra Costa County, provided NBC Bay Area data from her office showing the biggest drop in call numbers comes from educators and those employed at schools.
“With the shelter in place, and children not being seen at school or not having an in-person visit with their therapist, or even a medical provider, they’re not able to report because they’re not seeing the same things,” she said.
Carol Carillo, Executive Director of the Child Abuse Prevention Council for Contra Costa County, says these changing times also require a change in how society detects and reports child abuse. Teachers may have to ask different questions, such as asking about the regularity of meals, to gauge their students’ well-being.
With fewer kids in classrooms, Carillo says community members, like neighbors and co-workers, can and should report suspected abuse. She understands people may be uncomfortable with interfering in a family’s business, but says anyone can call their county’s child abuse hotline to figure out the best course of action.
“We never tell people they do more damage,” she said. “You always want to err on what is the safety of the child.”
After teaching for 20 years, Dorsey says nothing can replace in-person interactions at school.
“The classroom setting is a very safe space for students,” she said, adding that she hopes new systems are created for children to ask for help.
“We don’t have any systems like that.”
Click here to watch the report
The Financial Impacts of Child Abuse
May 13, 2020 Uncategorized
The cumulative financial impact to Contra Costa County for the 815 verified survivors of maltreatment in
2019 is $372,000,000. Though these costs are accrued over the course of the victim’s life, the community
will continue to occur the same cost each year until we are able to reduce and ultimately end child abuse. Read more […]
Graduation, COVID-19 compliant
April 15, 2020 Uncategorized
ACAPC Luncheon : Rescheduled to 10.8.20
March 20, 2020 Uncategorized
Dear Friends of the Auxiliary of the Child Abuse Prevention Council (ACAPC):The Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) is doing its part to follow the guidelines set by the Contra Costa County Department of Public Health to protect our community from the spread of the Coronavirus. With that being said, ACAPC has decided to postpone our 16th annual Educate, Empower and Prevent benefit luncheon in April. The new date will be Thursday October 8th, 2020 at Round Hill Country Club. For those of you who have generously donated, purchased tickets and or raffle tickets we have a few options to offer you:We can offer a roll over option to the October 8th dateYou can choose to turn your ticket purchase into a donationWe can offer you a refund We will be in touch with each of you individually to discuss your options. CAPC is reliant on the generosity of our donors and we are grateful for every donation we receive. During this most unsettling, unprecedented time the families in our community need CAPC services even more. The research shows that during stressful family events, child abuse abuse rates can increase. Contra Costa is no exception. CAPC staff are staying connected to the families in our programs by phone, text and email offering the much needed support and resources to care for their children. We are connecting families to local food distribution sites and resources to access basic needs. With your continued support we are committed to serving the families in our community. For further information or to make a donation, please call our office at 925-798-0546 or visit our website at www.capc-coco.org Thank you for your ongoing support of children and families in our community. We look forward to seeing everyone in October. Stay well! Carol Carrillo, MSW – Executive Director, CAPCNatalie Miles – President, ACAPC |

February 4, 2020 Uncategorized
The cumulative financial impact to the Contra Costa community for the 807 verified child victims last year is $258.9M. Though these costs are accrued over the course of the victim’s life, the community will continue to incur the same cost each year until we are able to reduce and ultimately end child abuse. Read more: [2019]
Soul on the Green 2019
August 26, 2019 Uncategorized
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported The Child Abuse Prevention Council’s Soul on the Green annual fundraiser. The fundraiser was a big success and we are grateful for the community support and partnership. Thank you from all of us at The Child Abuse Prevention Council. You made a difference!
February 25, 2019 Uncategorized
Tickets here
Tax Season
February 13, 2019 Uncategorized
It’s tax season again and there is a way to help qualifying filers file their taxes for free!
Attached is more information about the program and what to bring to a VITA site (in English and Spanish). Also attached is a list of the current sites (though it is always best to check out the site list at www.earnitkeepitsaveit.org and contact the VITA site to make sure that they are open when a client wishes to go).
How Governor Gavin Newsom’s Plan To Identify Early Childhood Trauma In Kids Might Make Healthier, Smarter Students–
January 15, 2019 Uncategorized
Nurse Wendie Skala worked with teens who were victims of street violence — and she always felt she was getting to them too late.
Eventually, she learned about something called “adverse childhood experiences,” or ACEs: The idea that trauma early in life can cause disruptive and unhealthy behavior. And that’s when Skala says a “huge light bulb” went on.
“Instead of saying, ‘What’s wrong with these kids?’ We could finally say, ‘What happened to these kids that they’re ending up in these gangs, shot, stabbed, or almost assaulted to death?’” she said.
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s first budget proposal, released last Thursday, could allocate $45 million for screenings to identify these experiences among children and adults on Medi-Cal. A growing body of research shows that if ACEs are spotted early, doctors and teachers can intervene to change a child’s trajectory. Read more here
Thank you!
January 14, 2019 Uncategorized
Thank you to all the generous donors who gave to CAPC during the holiday season. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and peaceful new year. Your donation truly made a difference in the life of a child.

November 15, 2018 Uncategorized
Child Abuse Prevention Council Receives Thanks For Giving Holiday Program Grant from The Rite Aid Foundation
This season of giving, CAPC is receiving a special gift from The Rite Aid Foundation to help us continue making a difference in the lives of children in our community.
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media. To celebrate, The Rite Aid Foundation has generously gifted us with a $5,000 grant as part of its KidCents Thanks for Giving Holiday program.
We also have the opportunity to receive an additional $2,500 grant by being the charity that has the most likes, shares and comments on our social media posts on #GivingTuesday. Please check out CAPC’s Facebook page on Tuesday, November 27 and help us spread the word!
Our Executive Director will use these grant funds for our Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP) for parents of children with special needs and health challenges. NPP provides free, locally available parent education to very low income, at-risk, underserved families living in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in East, West and Central Contra Costa County.
The Nurturing Parenting Program focuses on the Strengthening Families Five Protective Factors Framework which provides families with the knowledge needed to help them thrive in their lives and communities. These five factors include: Parental Resilience, Social Connections, Concrete Support in Times of Need, Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development and the Social and Emotional Competence of Children.
Parents participate in the learning process through role plays, engaging course assignments, group work and also enjoy a shared meal. They learn to recognize trauma and understand feelings and child development, are introduced to alternatives to hitting and are provided with tools to build children’s self-esteem. Parent Educators help parents develop safe, stable and nurturing relationships and environments.
The Rite Aid Foundation created the KidCents Thanks for Giving Holiday program to help support efforts to improve the health, safety and well-being of local kids. In total, The Rite Aid Foundation is donating $2.2 million to more than 440 charities.
“#GivingTuesday is a global celebration of giving, and on this day, we wanted to recognize our KidCents charities for all they do to make a positive impact in the communities we serve,” said Tracy Henderson, director of The Rite Aid Foundation and charitable giving initiatives. “Through the KidCents Thanks for Giving Holiday program, we want to recognize and support organizations that are focused on giving all year round. We thank all our KidCents charity partners for helping to give kids better lives and brighter futures.”
CAPC looks forward to continuing our partnership with The Rite Aid Foundation and is excited by the opportunities that KidCents brings to our organization and those we help.
Have a wonderful holiday season and a happy, healthy new year!
September Newsletter
September 12, 2018 Uncategorized
In case you missed it! click here
Soul on the Green 2018
September 10, 2018 Uncategorized
Our SOTG fundraiser this past Saturday was a HUGE success! Our attendees had a ton of fun while fundraising for our child abuse prevention programs! THANK YOU for your support!!
Contra Costa Board of Supervisors
May 9, 2018 All News
Thank you to the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors for your support of National Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness month.
The Economics of Child Abuse 2018 Study Released
April 10, 2018 All News, Press Release, Report
The cumulative financial impact to the Contra Costa community for the 807 verified child victims last year is $258.9M. Though these costs are accrued over the course of the victim’s life, the community will continue to incur the same cost each year until we are able to reduce and ultimately end child abuse. Read more […]

Raising the Flag to End Child Abuse
April 5, 2018 All News, Article, In the Media
Mark Your Calendars! You’re invited to…
March 27, 2018 Event
The 5th Annual Soul on the Green Community Event Car Show
Date: September 8, 2018
Time: 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Where: Contra Costa Country Club, 801 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill
March 8, 2018 All News
Thank you to the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation Child Abuse Prevention fund for your on going support. Your grant will help parents get the support they need to break they cycle of child abuse by participating in our Nurturing Parenting classes.
#donations #CAPC #Childabuseprevention
Kristen’s story
March 6, 2018 Article
“The foundation of our agency’s Speak Up Be Safe child safety program came from Cunnane’s story” Carol Carrillo.
To read Cunnane’s story click here
#Metoo #Speakup #Speakupbesafe
Report: Infants account for majority of Contra Costa child deaths
The East Bay Times published an article on a recent report about children’s deaths. Dr. Carpenter, a member of our board of directors and one of the authors of the report highlighted in the article, says that the lack of information about safe sleeping practices is one of the main causes of accidental death in children. These deaths could be prevented if parents have better access to educational information on sleeping practices for their children.
For more information click here
14th Annual “It Shouldn’t Hurt to be a Child” Luncheon
January 17, 2018 All News, Event, In the Media
Please join us for the 14th Annual “It Shouldn’t Hurt to be a Child” Luncheon benefiting the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County by The Auxiliary of the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County.
Thu, April 19, 2018
10:30 AM – 1:30 PM PDT
Diablo Country Club
1700 Club House Road
Diablo, CA 94528
For more information please click here
Happy Holidays
January 2, 2018 Uncategorized
Thank you to all the generous donors who gave to CAPC during the holiday season. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and peaceful new year.
Thank you for your help
December 21, 2017 Uncategorized
Thank you Sutter Delta Staff for adopting these families for Christmas and special thanks to CEP America for coordinating the ER department.
Parent Partner program
December 18, 2017 Uncategorized
Congratulations to the Parent Partner program for receiving the California State Association of Counties innovation award. CAPC is proud of the work we do in the community to support parents and children.
Thank you to the GIVE program for all your support this year. Our Nurturing Parenting Program appreciates you all.
December 13, 2017 Uncategorized
Thank you to the Contra Costa Parents of Multiples for your generous support . You support will assure the families in our community have a happy holiday season. #happykids #HappyHolidays #Contracostacounty
Community Report 2016-2017
December 6, 2017 Uncategorized
2016/2017 was a busy year for CAPC. With support from the State Office of Child Abuse Prevention, CAPC began leading a broad Bay Area effort to raise awareness of the Five Protective Factors which are the foundation of the Strengthening Families Approach. Your continued support has helped expand our Speak Up Be Safe child safety program into Richmond and Concord schools. Our Nurturing Parenting Program is reaching more and more at risk families with positive parenting education, and CAPC is now working with parents who have children with special needs. We distributed over 14,000 Surviving Parenthood Resource Directories to Contra Costa residents. Our Sue Fleischner Special Needs Fund continues to serve families who are isolated and in need of critical to lessen the stress on families and keep kids safe. This year, we also supported Assemblywoman Baker’s bill AB 993 to support children who are the victims of severe sexual crimes.
To read the full Community Report, click here.
Thank you!
December 5, 2017 Uncategorized
Please consider CAPC in planning your end-of-year giving. We’re a non-profit organization, so every single dollar goes to the care of our families and kids in Contra Costa County.
Click here
No child should be afraid to reveal their fears of abuse or their experience in an abusive situation
November 27, 2017 Uncategorized
Our Director, Carol Carrillo, published a letter in the East Bay Times about our program “Speak Up, Be Safe.” The program helps children and teens learn the skills to prevent or interrupt cycles of neglect.
To read the entire article, please click here
Giving Tuesday
November 16, 2017 Event
The countdown is on less than 2 weeks to go, a day where everyone (people & corporations) open their hearts and wallets on a national day devoted to giving back. Join the movement and help us to redefine the giving spirit this holiday season. For donations here! With a little bit quickly turns into a lot
November 14, 2017 Uncategorized
Unselfies are an easy way to show your support for Child Abuse Prevention Council. Post your #UNnselfie with the hashtag #GiveToSpecialNeedsKids or #CAPC on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and tell your friends and family why you are supporting CAPC on #GivingTuesday.