Letter from the Executive Director

Carol Carrillo

When a child is maltreated in Contra County, we all suffer. As a community, we have a responsibility to ensure that our children are able to grow up in safe and healthy environments. In this regard, our website contains valuable information and resources that every family and community member can use to help keep kids safe.
Various programs and tools are available to support parents, teachers, caregivers and other individuals who are responsible for the care and well being of children. Providing a healthy start for a child can be difficult. However, CAPC is here to help and support you every step of the way.
Visit our Programs page for a list of vital resources.It takes partners like you to help protect children and break the cycle of abuse in our community. We welcome your partnership in helping CAPC enforce the fact that, “It shouldn’t hurt to be a child.”

Warmest Regards,


Carol Carrillo, MSW

CAPC Executive Director

CAPC Team Members


Administrative Staff

Carol Carrillo, Executive Director

Wilma Holgerson, Chief Financial Officer

Elisa Heinrich, Finance Administration Manager

Ana Maria Dempsey, Communications Coordinator 

Program Staff

Angelina Shipe, Community Education Coordinator

Ana Maria Dempsey, Baby Bag Manager

Suzanne Viani, Lead Child Safety Educator

Carolyn Martin, Child Safety Educator

Joanie Dillon, Child Safety Educator

Brenda Romero, Child Safety Educator

Nurturing Parenting Programs

Carol Carrillo, Supervisor (West County)

Maggie Velasco, Supervisor (East/Central County)

Rosario Conteras, Family Support Specialist /Educator

Angela Gattis, Parent Facilitator

Sonja Smith Hodge, Parent Facilitator

Jose Andrade, Parent Facilitator

Socorro Hernandez, Parent Facilitator

Mercedes Marquez, Parent Facilitator

Kendra Tramiel, Child Care Facilitator

Sofia Orozco, Child Care Facilitator

Carmen Flores, Child Care Facilitator

Marcela Lopez, Child Care Facilitator

LaFreda Attaway, Child Care Facilitator

Ruth Sarmiento-Stanton, Child Care Facilitator

Parent Partners / Early Intervention Outreach / Youth Partners

Lorena Tobar, Parent Partner/EIOS Lead

Robert Martinez, Parent Partner

Joanie Morrow, Parent Partner

Dorothy Lewis, Parent Partner

Meschelle Flittie, Parent Partner

Melissa Stamps, Parent Partner

Samuel Gray, Early Intervention Outreach Specialist

Shiley Perez, Caretaker Support Specialist

Kayla Nelson, Youth Partner



Jackie Carson

Mary Flott

National Charity League (NCL)  Acalanes Chapter