Dear Supporters:
Just a quick note to say how much we appreciate your support of the Child Abuse Prevention Council and our Caps for CAPC campaign! With your help, we were able to raise $9,850 that will directly support CAPC in the prevention of child abuse in our community. This fundraiser blew our expectations out of the water and we are so grateful to all of you! CAPC will be putting these funds to very good use by continuing to provide support, education and basic needs to families and children at risk for abuse during this especially stressful time. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts and we hope you enjoy showing off your stylish rainbow caps on all of your summer adventures! Please contact Natalie Miles ([email protected]) with any questions.

2020 ACAPC Members
Megan Buckley
Amanda Chipman
Kristen Cobo
Lauren Cosso
Kristen Cunnane
Molly Hanahan
Yeh-Won Hunt
Rhoda Larner
Natalie Miles
Blaire Morse
Lauren Pierce
Dina Ricksen
Moira Roberts
Arran Schulz
Heather Swedeen
Alexis Thompson
Kelly Tuggle
Melanie Walterspiel