
If children came with instructions, life would be a lot easier. However, they don’t. Yet parents are expected to know how to deal with kids effectively through every stage of development. It’s a difficult job but fortunately, help is available and much of it is free.

Surviving Parenthood is a comprehensive resource guide developed by CAPC to inform parents and caregivers of the many services and resources that are available to help children and families living in Contra Costa County.

In its 15 revised edition, the resource directory includes information about protective factors that help reduce child abuse and neglect.

Download a copy:

English: Surviving Parenthood Resource Directory. PDF

Spanish: Surviving Parenthood Resource Directory. PDF

To submit either updates or additions to the directory, please download, complete and forward the Surviving Parenthood 15th Edition Update form.


“Children are like wet cement whatever falls on them makes an impression.”

— Haim Ginott

Success Stories

Socorro’s story

  “The Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP) for parents of children with special needs and health concerns came into my life at the perfect time. My name is Socorro. My oldest son was […]

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A father doesn’t give up

“Manuel never gave up on his son.  He completed two Nurturing Parenting Program sessions and enrolled in additional parenting classes because he wants to become the best father possible.” ~Maggie […]

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