
24-Hour Hotline: (800) 550-4900

Counseling, pregnancy testing, maternity and baby clothes, referrals to community assistance and medical care to support pregnancy. Our services are free and confidential.

Brighter Beginnings

Toll Free: (877) 427-7134
Richmond: (510) 236-6990

Please call to schedule an appointment for the following medical services: General Primary Medical Care, Diagnostic Laboratory, Screenings, Coverage for Emergencies During & After Hours, Voluntary Family Planning, Immunizations, Well-Child Services, Gynecological Care, OB-Prenatal Care, OB, Postpartum Care, Pharmaceutical Services, Case Management, Eligibility Assistance, Health Education, Outreach, Transportation, Translation, Behavioral Health
Services: Mental Health Services, Additional Enabling/Supportive Services
Hours of service: Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 6:30 pm
Si Hablamos EspaƱol.

Contra Costa Public Health Immunization Clinics

Schedule appointment: (925) 608-5350

Offers all doctor-recommended, school required vaccines, Covid vaccines, booster, and mpox. Primarily serves those with Medi-Cal or uninsured regardless of immigration status. Fees are based on patient age, vaccines needed. Those with private insurance should contact their regular healthcare providers.
Clinic schedules (See website with addresses)
Brentwood: Mondays 1:00 PM-8:30 PM
Concord: Tuesdays 5:30 PM-9:30 PM, Thursdays 1:00 PM-4:30 PM
Pittsburg: Tuesdays 1:00 PM-4:30 PM
San Pablo: Thursdays 5:30 PM-9:00 PM, Fridays 1:00 PM-4:30 PM
Drop-ins are welcome, but those with appointments have priority. For other clinics. Call (925) 313-6740

Planned Parenthood, Northern California

Telephone: (925) 676-0505

Birth control, pregnancy testing and referrals, prenatal services, abortion, infertility clinic, sterilization (male and female), STD treatment, AIDS testing, counseling, health and physical exams, immunizations, and mid-life exams. Medi-Cal and private insurance accepted. Our fees vary. Spanish services are available. Hours 8:30 AM-5:00 PM. Services are offered in Antioch, Richmond, Concord, El Cerrito, San Ramon, and Walnut Creek.